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Bu konudaki kullanıcılar: 1 misafir
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Kendi serverıma İtem yapacam İTEM KODLARI pls
18 yıl
Konu Sahibi

arkadaslar eskiden bi arkadas vermıstı server kurulumu ben kurdum fakat item yapmak istiom kendime
kodlar varmıs galiba yardımcı olurmusunuz

18 yıl


Orjinalden alıntı: PriestCaliph


Neden Gereksiz Yere Smileyini Kullanıyorsun Post Kasmaktan Şikayet Edildin Adam Private Serverden Bahsediyor...

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
18 yıl

yanlış foruma yazıyon böyle şeyler yok bilende yoktur sanırım aile forumu bura

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
18 yıl
Konu Sahibi

Bi ara birileri vermıstı ama aradım bulamadım serverı actım ama cok zevksız item yok :(

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
18 yıl
Konu Sahibi

18 yıl

Item Codes:
800079000 %60 hp increase
800078000 2000hp
800077000 400def
80 bo
75bin large snowball
71 co-leader's guardian [el morad 5] - clan co-leader - summon el morad guardian 5 times 10 tane
70 co-leader's guardian [karus 5] - clan co-leader - summon karus guardian 5 times 10 tane
69 - leader's guardian [el morad 5] - summon el morad guardian 5 times 10 tane
68 - leader's guardian [karus 5] - summon karus guardian 5 times 10 tane
67 co-leader's guardian [el morad 5] - clan co-leader - summon el morad guardian 5 times
66 co-leader's guardian [karus 5] - clan co-leader - summon karus guardian 5 times
65 - leader's guardian [el morad 5] - summon el morad guardian 5 times
64 - leader's guardian [karus 5] - summon karus guardian 5 times
63 - stat scroll - view a character's skills and items
62 - armor enchant scroll - increases the armor defense rate
61 - weapon enchant scroll - increases the weapon attack rate
60 - weight scroll - increase maximum carrying capability by 20%
59 co-leader's guardian [el morad] - clan leader - summon el morad guardian once
58 co-leader's guardian [karus] - clan leader - summon karus guardian once
57 leader's guardian [el morad] - clan leader - summon el morad guardian once
56 leader's guardian [karus] - clan leader - summon karus guardian once
55 cake increase mp - 720 healing potion
54 fish dumplings - increases mp by 1200 for 1 hour
53 normal dumplings - increases hp by 1200 for 1 hour
52 vegetable dumplings - increases running speed for 1 hour
51 ascent scroll - lvl 1-40 %20 exp more for 1 hour
50 mount scroll - lvl 1-40 %50 exp more for 1 hour
800041000 resurrection scroll 50 - recover %50 exp
800040000 rise scroll - %50 more exp
36 %60 respawn scroll
32 Name change scroll
31 1000 hp small
30 500 hp small
29 150 def small
28 lion small
27 mp small
26 int small
25 dex small
800024000 hp scroll S
800023000 str scroll S
800022000 duration item
800021000 tp friend scroll
800015000 speed up potion
800014000 attack damage scroll
800013000 1500hp
800012000 1000hp
800011000 500 hp
800010000 300 def
800009000 150 defense
800008000 Power of Lion L
800007000 MP scroll L
800006000 INT scroll L
800005000 DEX scroll L
800004000 HP scroll L
800003000 STR scroll L
800032000 name change scroll
800033000 HP Rice cake, 1500hp
800034000 MP rice cake, 1500mp
800035000 speedup cake
36 respawn
700030000 bo
379220000 bo
37920 bo
379101000 abyss holy water recover %20 of total hp
37910 wolfs heart %50 fast hp&mp recovery
11 key of hell
10 silver coin
9 gold coin
8 green perl
379170000 1 gc 1m
379161000 accessory enchant scroll HP
379160000 accessory enchant scroll STR
59bin accessory compound scroll
58bin unqiue item lotto ticket
57bin yakut yuzuk
56bin blue tresure chest
55bin green treasure chest
54bin red treasure chest
53bin rental scroll
52bin blessed upgrade scroll +7
51bin Fortune Pouch - new year event item
379150000 budami fortune pouch acep practice cannon ball
49bin boi
379140000 abyss lullaby , sleep monster 20 seconds
50bin bo
47 bo
46 fish
45 meat
44 vegetable
43 flour
42 lottery
41 dispell scroll lightning
40 dispell scroll flame
39 dispell scroll glacier
38 dispell scroll lightning
37 flower fire*er - powdered
36 bo
35 snowman karus
34 snowman el morad elmo
33 snowman - christmas
32 christmas present
379131000 red envelope
379130000 abyss wing, dodging rate %20 *
29bin bo
28bin bo
25bin bo
19bin bos
16 practice cannon ball
15 abyss wing dodging rate %20 - malezya practice cannon ball
14 abyss lullaby - sleeps monster
13bin key of hell
12bin abyss eye - see invisible enemy
11bin bo
379110000 bronze coin 10k
379109000 silver coin 100k
379108000 green pearl
379107000 gold coin 1m
379106000 abyss gem
379105000 abyss fire, decreases monsters hp by 10%
379104000 abyss blessing 3600 hp recovery for 60 seconds
379103000 abyss holy water L %50
379102000 abyss holy water M %35
379101000 abyss holy water recover %20 of total hp
99 magic hammer- repair armor
98 sweeping potion - increase magic power %30
97 treasurechest
379096000 fire*er
379095000 Lotto
379094000 fire*er
379093000 transformation totem (disguise totem)
379092000 fire*er
379091000 transformation gem
379090000 transformation totem (disguise totem)
379089000 key to 80th floor dungeon
379088000 key to 80th floor dungeon
379087000 key to 70th floor dungeon
379086000 key to 60th floor dungeon
379085000 key to 50th floor dungeon
379084000 hell abyss 16th floor key
379083000 hell abyss 8th floor key
379082000 desperation abyss 20th floor key
379081000 desperation abyss 10th floor key
379080000 Dungeon key
79 blessed item upgrade scroll - SUPER - +8 upgrade scroll
78 teeth of bandicoot
77 silan bone
76 iron bar
75 bo
379074000 Talisman of Talia Red
379073000 Talisman of Talia Green
379072000 Talisman of Talia Blue
379071000 Talisman of Destruction
379070000 spell of impact lvl57
379069000 spell of thorn lvl54
379068000 gold
379067000 silver
379066000 skill scroll for level 62 priest
379065000 skill scroll for level 62 magician
379064000 skill scroll for level 62 rogue
379063000 skill scroll for level 62 warrior
379062000 consumed items ...
59 consumed item for warriors master skill
58 mythril boots
57 mythril gauntlet
56 mythril helmet
379055000 mythril pads
54 mythril pauldron
53 goblin boots
52 goblin gauntlet
51 goblin helmet
379050000 goblin pads
49 goblin pauldron
48 silk bundle
47 holy water
46 feather of harpy queen
379045000 cursed bone
44 zombie eye
43 gavolt wing
42 fang of bakirra
41 tail of lesath
379040000 Tail of shaula
38 bos
379035000 dispell scroll (glacier)
379034000 dispell scroll (fire)
379033000 blessed enchant scroll magic
379032000 blessed enchant scroll int
379031000 blessed enchant scroll dex
379030000 blessed enchant scroll hp
379029000 enchant scroll str
28 es int
27 es dex
26 es enchant scroll hp
379025000 blessed elemantal scroll
24 blessed reduce scroll
23 blessed immune scroll
22 blessed enchant scroll str
379021000 blessed upgrade scroll
20 elemental scroll
19 reduce scroll
18 immune scroll
17 enchant sroll str
16 upgrade scroll
15 bezoar of glyptodont
14 blood of glyptodont
13 mytrhil vessel
12 blood of dark mage
11 bone of dragon tooth
379010000 claw of gloomwing
379009000 heart of haunga
379008000 claw of stegadon
7 tooth of smilodon
6 stone of life
5 prayer of bless
4 prayer of favors
3 prayer of grace
2000 prayer of love
379001000 prayer of life
700001000 redist
700002000 trina
700003000 summon boss 5 tane
700004000 summon boss 1 tane
700005000 summon boss 5 tane
700006000 summon boss 10 tane
700007000 bo
700010000 bo
700025000 bo
710001000 bo
701001000 bo
900010000 bos

180110251 lobo staff
180110252 lupus s
180110253 lycaeon s
190250251 lobo h
190250252 lupus h
190250253 lycaeon h
190250254 bone hammer
190250255 skull hammer
140810000 hacker
141010000 bone crasher
150110000 philum

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
18 yıl

bunları nasıl kullanacağız ? bir de onu söylesen

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
18 yıl

söyleyemem çünkü bilmiyorum sadece eskilerden bir arşiv

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
18 yıl

18 yıl


Orjinalden alıntı: OynCANKIYA

düp e yardım

offfff ne dup u yaaa
neden bu serverler offki sanki

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
18 yıl
Konu Sahibi

cok tesekkur ederim konuyu kilitleyebilirsiniz

DH Mobil uygulaması ile devam edin. Mobil tarayıcınız ile mümkün olanların yanı sıra, birçok yeni ve faydalı özelliğe erişin. Gizle ve güncelleme çıkana kadar tekrar gösterme.