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Bu konudaki kullanıcılar: 1 misafir
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Buyrun beyler, bildiğim tüm bugları anlatıyorum
8 yıl
Konu Sahibi

Önce gereksiz yere banlanıp, daha sonra da steam in knight online forumundan pazarlık yapmak yerine ban atan arkadaşlar, beni yeteri kadar kızdırdılar. her saat başı 1 bug anlatıcam, bundan sonraki multiclient

I am telling these bugs so you can fix it, i dont have any intention to abuse them or making people abuse it. (this one needs to fix source code of how people enter parties, which will take you approximately 2k work hours, which is easy by big company as nnt game)
First, How to steal boxes of all parties without making them notice?
İlk olarak, size partilerden nasıl kutu çalındığını, tüm kutunun size geldiğini ve kimsenin bunu farketmediğini anlatacağım.

How that bug happens? You have to use a third party tool, for example a tool named expbot or anyother cheat programs which you banned me for while i didnt even checked for their websites.
But since i have so much free time to check for those things while my account is blocked, (the reason of my blockage is someone opened a char named same as me in a private server, then take a video or screenshot, i dont know which one.) Click accept party requests Automaticly, bot will make you join party. then click on DECLINE. Here is your bug. everytime you hit a monster before your party does, you can get the boxes all for yourself without making your party notice. It is possible for every kind of party.

Bunun için bir 3. party programı kullanmanız gerekiyor, mesela expbot isimli bir program olabilir. otoparty i işaretliyorsunuz, adam size party atıyor, fakat siz decline diyorsunuz. buyrun hem partidesiniz hem değil, ilk vuruşu yaptığınız her yaratığın kutusu sadece size açılır. Her türlü bossta, exp slotunda kutu çalınır.

I will tell you have to make multiclient and login with 4-8 multiple accounts from one computer, it is coming in next hour. Lets see if it will take more than 1 day after i tell everything i know one by one. Follow me in all the forums.