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Matlab Projesi Yardımı
8 yıl
Konu Sahibi

Biz 3 arkadaş erasmus öğrencisiyiz. Burada hoca matlab projesi verdi 1-2 hafta uğraştık yapamadık. Kalırsak dönemimiz uzuyor. Son 1 haftamız yardım edebilir misiniz ?

Derive and formulate a mathematical model of a mass point (weight m) attached by two springs (stiffnesses kx and ky) (placed in perpendicular directions) to a rotating ring.
Based on the mathematical model, create a MATLAB codes for time-domain simulation of the model. Simulate the model response caused by a defined unbalance Δ𝑚 placed on a radius 𝑟 for different angular velocities of the rotating ring.
Consider following values: m = 1kg, kx = 100 000 N/m, ky = 500 000 N/m, r = 0.01 m, Δ𝑚=0.01 kg, angular velocity range: 1 000 rpm – 50 000 rpm (choose at least 5 different values of angular velocity).
Derive a Jeffcott model of the rotor. Create a MATLAB code for time-domain simulations of Jeffcott model. Use the parameters mentioned above and compare results from both models.
Prepare a short document (e.g. in MS Word) which will summarizes the all derivation of equation of motions and the results of performed simulations."

Projemiz bu. ve ek olarak ilerleyebildiğimiz kadarını ek'e ekliyorum.

< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi xFactory -- 18 Haziran 2016; 21:37:07 >

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