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İnternet explorer de sorunum var
15 yıl
Konu Sahibi

her eplorer sayfası açtığımda şu yazı çıkıyor hemen arama çubuğunun altında.

internet explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled.

Bir türlü çözüm bulamadım.Yardımcı olurmusunuz arkadaşlar...

15 yıl

İngilizce bir çözüm ama sen uyarlamasını yaparsın.

# Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
If your browser appears to be working properly in Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode, continue with the following steps to help identify which add-on may be causing the problems. If you’ve used Internet Explorer’s (No Add-ons) mode and are still experiencing issues, try our KB Article, How to perform common troubleshooting steps for Internet Explorer 7 Beta. Information found here can help you further troubleshoot problems that may be connectivity and network-related or caused by a third party application or by a specific website’s code.

# To isolate the specific browser add-on that is contributing to the issue, you can use IE’s Manage Add-ons feature to pick specific add-ons to disable:

1. Click Tools -> Internet Options.
2. Click the Programs tab, then Manage add-ons (see figure below):

Note: The Manage Add-ons option under Tools is disabled in No Add-ons mode so you must go to Internet Options, Programs, Manage add-ons to manually enable/disable add-ons.

< Resime gitmek için tıklayın >

Select an add-on in the Name list, and then click Disable (see figures below):

< Resime gitmek için tıklayın >

< Resime gitmek için tıklayın >


4. Click OK, OK again, OK again and then close IE.

# Restart IE normally and see if your problem is resolved.

1. If it is, you should uninstall the specific add-on via Control Panel’s Add/Remove Programs or the applications own uninstaller.
2. If the problem persists, you will need to repeat steps 1-3 until you have identified the specific add-on causing the problem.


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