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Cevap: dövüş sanatlarını burda tartışalım (6. sayfa)
15 yıl

Sokakta kendimizi korumak için en iyisi Wing Tsun. EBMAS'ta en profesiyonal, disiplinli organizasyon.

Federe olmamasının sebebiyse spor müsabakalarına çevrilmek istenmemesidir. Amaç spor değildir çünkü. Savaş sanatı olarak kalmasını istiyor tüm Wing Tsun'cular ;)

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
15 yıl

arkadaşlar böyle mesajlara gerek yok, sonra uzun uzun polemik oluyor. herkes için en iyi dal, kendisininki.

15 yıl

en estetik dövüş sanatı tartışmasız capoeiradır. en güçlü diye birşey de olamaz. mesela ben 6 ay capoeira ile uğraştım ve taekwon do cularla çok rahat başa çıka biliyordum. Her dövüş sanatının bir dövüş sanatına avantajı vardır. capoeira u zak bir dövüş sporu sayılır fakat güreş tarzı taktiklerde öğretiliyor sanıldığı kadar dans değil yani kol bacak kırmayıda öğreniyorsunuz ilerde. en artistik olanı her zaman capoeiradır taklalar flanda öğrenirsiniz feci havanız olur.

15 yıl


Orijinalden alıntı: pesimistm

yaw arkadaşlar siz kick boxu filan örnek veriyonuz en iyisi wing tsun...wing tsunun yurukları seri ve güçlüdür..kick boxçuların savunmasını kırar hem kıramasa bile savunma kırıcı hareketleri wardır...burdan herkeze tavsiyem wing tsundur bütün dövüş sanatlarına karşı savunması ve saldırısı wardır yip man filmini izlediniz mi bilmem ama yip man wing tsun ile siyah kuşak tekvandocu 10 kişiyi bende wing tsuna gidiyorum ve çok yararını görüyorum...size tavsiyem wing tsun...wing tsun güçlü güçsüz herkeze göredir..karşıdakinin gücünü kendisine uygular ve wig tsuncu iseniz saldırı pozisyonu aldığızda kimse sizi durduramaz çünkü ne yapacağınızı bilirsin wing tsunda adamı kan kusturasıya kadar dövebilirsiniiz...

Siz hiç sağlam bir kickbox'cu ile karşılaşmamışsınız sanırım. Siz zincir yumrukla girerken alttan alacağınız tek darbede kaval,bilek kemiğinizi vs.. kırabilir rakibiniz.

Bu mesaja 2 cevap geldi.
15 yıl

sizde hiç sağlam wing chuncu görmemişin sen alttan vururken armut topluyacak deil ya :D...kaval kemiği filan onları bizde biliriz wing chunda sadece zincir yumruk yok apargat filanda war mrk etme kardeş :D...

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
15 yıl

ama tabi adama bağlı herkezin kendisine göre iyidir dövüş sanatı...

15 yıl


Orijinalden alıntı: pesimistm

sizde hiç sağlam wing chuncu görmemişin sen alttan vururken armut topluyacak deil ya :D...kaval kemiği filan onları bizde biliriz wing chunda sadece zincir yumruk yok apargat filanda war mrk etme kardeş :D...

aparkatı kaç defa (yani ne sıklıkta) ve neyin üzerinde (kumtorbası ellik vs.) çalıştınız?
hareketli hedefe hiç denediniz mi?
aparkat atarken vücudunuz nasıl hareket etmektedir?
kaval kemigiğine nasıl bir hücum öngörüyorsunuz?
peki kaval kemiğinize yapılan lowkicke nasıl bir savunma düşünüyorsunuz? bu savunmanızı hiç gerçek hızda (veya ona yakın ) ve şiddette denediniz mi?

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
15 yıl

bu sorularıma akıl izan ve ahlak sahibi bir WTci çıkıp cevap verecek mi? bilemiyorum artık.
işkembe-i kübradan sallıyorsunuz çocuklar !!
sizi gidi sevimli baby-face para muslukları sizi :)

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
15 yıl


Orijinalden alıntı: derkrieger

bu sorularıma akıl izan ve ahlak sahibi bir WTci çıkıp cevap verecek mi? bilemiyorum artık.
işkembe-i kübradan sallıyorsunuz çocuklar !!
sizi gidi sevimli baby-face para muslukları sizi :)

Soyledigin cogu seye katılmakla baraber bu eleştiri biraz ağır olmuş hatta hakaret gibi olmuş size yakıştıramadım bunu dogrusu.Isteyen istedigi yere para verip vermemekte özgür saygı gostermeliyiz bence bende şuanki aklım olsa wt ye gitmezdim buda bir gercek.

< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi wingtsun85 -- 4 Aralık 2009; 14:56:13 >
Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
15 yıl

14 yıl

bence en iyi dövüş sanatı wing tsundur bir zamanlar yaptım

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
14 yıl

eğer bir tek bir dövüş sanatı yapılmışsa en iyisi o demek yanlış olur. en azından birkaç tane kendi yapılması ve ondan sonra karar vermek daha mantıklı.

14 yıl


Orijinalden alıntı: Ytf

İyi bir boksöre hiçbiri dayanmaz.Boksörler darbe almaya alışıktır ve iyi bir kondisyona sahiplerse yıkılmaları imkansızdır.Ayrıca kodumu oturturlar :D

Yumurtaliklara vurmak herkesi dize getirir.

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
14 yıl

bu söylediğin de tamamne doğru değil maalesef.
yumurtalıklarına vurlduğu halde kendisine hiç bir sey olmayan ve hatta daha çok sinirlenip rakibi mahveden adamlar da var, ve hayır bu adamlar shaolinci falan da değiller.
kaldı ki gerçek kavga da yumurtalığa vurmak HAKİKATEN zor bir iş.
sadece buna güvenip yolda kalmayın sonra derim.

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
14 yıl


Orijinalden alıntı: derkrieger

bu söylediğin de tamamne doğru değil maalesef.
yumurtalıklarına vurlduğu halde kendisine hiç bir sey olmayan ve hatta daha çok sinirlenip rakibi mahveden adamlar da var, ve hayır bu adamlar shaolinci falan da değiller.
kaldı ki gerçek kavga da yumurtalığa vurmak HAKİKATEN zor bir iş.
sadece buna güvenip yolda kalmayın sonra derim.

Yok oyle birisi. Inatlasmanin alemi yok.

14 yıl


Today, I'm going to explain to everyone why focusing on the eyes and groin is not quite the right answer for self defense. To all the RBSDer's, Krotty-Moms, and Ninjers who managed to find their way to this post, drop the defensive attitude and read. As a matter of fact, after this article, I guarantee that the likelihood of your "deadly" moves actually working in a fight will improve drastically.

(Disclaimer: No, I do not have a problem with women's self defense classes or women in martial arts. I encourage it, actually. I DO, however, have a problem with poorly taught women's self defense classes. ...And people taking ninjitsu, because I don't like overgrown children.)

So, without further ado:

To anyone who has ever seen a Rape Prevention Class before, what are the most general techniques you see utilized?

"Attacker's on top? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Attacker's on the side? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Attacker's on the bottom? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Attacker's rushing at you? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Attacker's grabbing at you? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Potential Attacker's in his own home, reading his morning paper? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."

(Add an optional "Blow a whistle, yell, call the police" to the end of those.)

To anyone who has ever seen a RBSD class...

"Homeless guy's on top? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Homeless guy's on the side? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Homeless guy's on the bottom? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Homeless guy's rushing at you? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Homeless guy's grabbing at you? He's going to rape you.
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."
"Potential Homeless guy's at his desk job, about to get fired? He's going to rape you."
Eye gouge him. Knee him in the balls."

...And people wonder why I have a problem taking these classes and the people who pay for them seriously.

Do you really need training to learn that getting a finger in your eye or that the contact between patella and scrotum is excruciatingly painful? If you do, you may as well just start running around wearing nothing but your birthday suit, a little pink bowtie, and a large Bull's Eye painted on your rear end. Honestly, for people who do the majority of the fear mongering, they really don't know jack about their own subject.

"GASP! How dare you insult people whose job it is to teach us common people the way of Self-Defense-Do. What do YOU know, you bastard?"

Whoa, whoa. Calm down. I didn't say Eye Gouging and Groin Hunting aren't viable techniques. Hell, if you can turn your opponent's head into a bowling ball for a moment, or if you turn your assailant into a eunuch by way of kneeing, you're most likely going to win the fight. Problem is, the people who focus so much on training on a handful of high-damage moves, whether it is a knife hand chop to the neck, or aforementioned eye gouging and groin kicking, have no idea how to apply them against someone who is actually unwilling to lose the fight.

Why? Here's how most college/community center-sponsored Rape Defense Classes are taught. Guy in a large red foam suit tries to grab at you/put you in a compromising position. Lady student, not bothering to react in a defensive manner AT ALL, aims her open hands at the helmet, thrusts forward with enough speed to make a turtle jealous, yells "STOP IT!" and proceeds to kick the guy in the balls. Then, after running like the wind, she is told to quickly and calmly produce the whistle from her purse (which, of course the center is giving out for free), and blow on it, waiting for a police officer to arrive. I'm almost willing to bet that the person who designed the class is actually a rapist himself.
"Yes, yes.... if all of my potential victims take this class, I will be completely unstoppable!"

Yeah, no. That's not going to work. Nor is rape funny. Stop giggling. -_-

Need I go into the knife defenses in these classes? Let me just sum it up really quickly.

No, there really isn't any to consistently defend against all blade attacks. It's just that some styles are just significantly better at it.
If you learned a (Karate/TKD/Aikido/Other Mcdojofied training style) knife defense, congratulations. You just learned how assist your attacker in killing you. Bravo.

Before ending this rage-fueled post, I did promise the LARPing portion of the readers on how to increase their chances of success in defending with such tactics. Read on.

The PUNCHKICKCHOKE Guide To Making "T3h D34dlY" Work.

People are extremely wary of dangers coming at their vital areas.

- Going straight for the eyes/groin? I know that's how you were taught. But I also know that it's either going to be blocked, or you're just going to miss altogether under pressure. So do something unexpected and clinch him straight on, then knee. It'll take him by surprise, and it'll take his arms out of the equation for a precious few moments. Hell, slap him, then knee. Just do SOMETHING right before the actual attack. The actually important thing is, though, to train your moves with resistance, and work on creating space between you and your opponent until the opportune time.


Be proactive.

- Sometimes there won't be an opportune time. Only trying to counter once the danger has been determined is like playing the lottery with an amazing chance of winning. However, the only prize is getting punched in the face. Attack!


Learn other moves, for Christ's sakes.

- Ties into #1. Use other moves/positions to set up your attack rather than going with a pre-planned, telegraphed attack directly. People who like BSing/train poorly talk about how they can stop any takedown. But evidence shows that they actually can't.
Why is this? Because modern-day grapplers are smarter, and realize that if you set up for a takedown with strikes/countering + force, it becomes extremely easy to perform. So, what should be a move you see from miles away becomes an extremely effective maneuver. Use that principle.

Your shitty Beginner's (Hap/Ai)kido wrist grabbing isn't going to work. Accept it.

- Yeah, don't bother arguing otherwise. Unless you're law enforcement, and you have something to assist you (Someone else/Large caliber firearm pointed at assailant)

Don't take Ninjitsu for Self Defense.

- Duh. If you need me to explain, you deserve a horrible death.

If you're good at groundwork, that's awesome. But being in the guard against a knife is very, very bad.

- Yeah, I'm all for grapplers, but I cringe whenever a beginner BJJ instructor tries to teach 'effective' knife technqiues from the guard. The only way you're going to win a fight with the bad guy on top is if you have an exceptional hold on the attacking arm before going to the ground, and are only getting on your back for a quick armbar. Not likely, though.

Don't believe anything someone who teaches rape defense spews out of their mouths. Go to an actual school of some kind if you're interested in defending yourself.
(And make sure the school is legitimate, please.

- Read the other half of the post if you skipped up to the list.
Also, if you're not considering going to a school regularly because of time commitments, call your local school. I'm sure the head instructor can set something up for you.

I know I missed out on a lot of other things that are wrong with the "Soccer Mom Self Defense" world, but I really just didn't feel like writing that much more.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you learned something.

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
14 yıl

Earlier this week, I critiqued a self-defense technique that I liked in a post called, “Let’s Play a Game.” In that post, I failed to make one correction that I would change if I had to use that technique myself.

The point of the post as to get people to think more about the way they view the techniques of other martial art styles. I didn’t want to bog it down with my own criticisms, but rather just give an example of how someone might to about trying to improve certain techniques in order to make them more effective.

In the technique, the defender initiates his counter with a kick to the groin of one of his opponents. On the video, the opponent dutifully falls to the ground, allowing the defender to continue with strikes aimed at the other attacker.

Kicks and knee strikes to the groin are a very common self-defense technique. They are popular because the groin is an exceptionally vulnerable target. Even slight pressure against the testicles produces great pain which makes it difficult for an attacker to stand, fight, or sometimes even breathe. There’s no doubt that they can be very effective when applied properly.

Women’s self-defense classes in particular, tend to rely heavily upon groin kicks because they require very little physical strength but can cause a great physical reaction in an attacker.

The following video clip shows the way groin kicks are commonly taught in martial art and self-defense classes.

While groin kicks so have the ability to take an attacker to the ground, I really don’t believe that they will work the way demonstrated in this video.
The problem, as I see it, is nature.

Men are conditioned from the earliest age to protect their genitals. It’s not something that we have to think very much about. It all happens rather naturally.

Without getting too graphic, it’s important to understand that human sperm (like the sperm of many other land mammals) can’t generate in the heat of normal body temperature. So, the sex organs must develop outside of the body’s core. While this allows for ideal climate control for producing sperm, it leaves the testacies unprotected.

Nature however, has not left us totally vulnerable. The sex organs are positioned securely between the legs and rest safely near our lap.

The groin is also packed with many sensitive nerve endings. Every boy quickly learns that failing to protect the groin will result in intense pain.

The male body must protect its groin at all times or possibly forfeit its chance at reproduction. Therefore, natural reflexes tend to take over anytime the senses perceive a threat to the groin area. The knees close, the pelvis tilts inward, and the hands tend to drop.

It’s actually pretty hard to intentionally sneak a strait groin kick into its target. The body’s reflexes are usually just too quick and too protective of this vulnerable area. Every time an attack gets close, the pelvis shifts the groin away while the legs quickly move in to protect.

The solution to this problem is to prevent the senses, namely sight, from perceiving the kick. If your attacker sees the kick coming, even out of the corner of his eye, he’s sure to automatically protect himself.

However, if you can get him to look away with an eye gouge or hair pull, you should be able to kick the groin without problem. The trick is to redirect your opponent’s eyesight.

Even just covering his eyes with your fingers may be enough to distract him from your intention. As long as the brain does not perceive the attack, it will not initiate any reflexive action to protect the groin.

Many martial artists train like the people in the video. They expect that the groin kick will easily reach it’s target and incapacitate their attacker so they can escape. Unfortunately, this strategy can backfire if the kick fails and their attacker becomes further enraged by their failed attempt at defense.

Not only does this method give you a better chance of actually landing your kick, it also provides the added benefit of surprising your attacker. If you first go for the eyes, you opponent will be unprepared for the pain and injury that will follow from a strike below the belt. The result will actually be more severe than if he somehow knew it was coming.

I hope these suggestions help you in the development of your own self-defense strategies. Please remember to always train carefully and with qualified instruction. Groin kicks can be dangerous.

Also be sure that you are always morally and legally justified in using force against your attacker. These techniques should never be misused or played with.

Take care and keep training,



14 yıl

bana görede en iyi dövüş sporu hapkido ve ninjutsudur ben sorumda hapkidoyu yazmadım seçenekler arasında çnkü bir tek kadıköyde var diye biliyorum ben 1.leventte oturuyorum bana çok uzak ama sizin bildiğiniz bşka bi yerde hapkido eğitimi veriliyorsa bana söylerseniz sevinirim

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
14 yıl

aman hpkido'dan uzak dur.
aman aman.

Bu mesaja 1 cevap geldi.
14 yıl